Check Out Google Chrome Extensions Gallery
If you have not used Google chrome extension yet then this is time to check out Google chrome gallery. Google has now officially released chrome extension gallery that have bunch of extension to enhance chrome power. It certainly increase chrome lover and provide better browsing experience. Just search and install extension you like. Chrome do not ask you restart browser like Firefox after installation so just install without fear. Please note that chrome extension only work with developer builds 4.0+. If you are running chrome 3.0 series then you need to install 4.0 version. Chrome automatically ask you to download and install 4.0 developer build when you try to install extension in 3.0 series.
Some of the useful extension that i have installed and you may love too:
- Google Mail Checker: Displays the number of unread messages in your Google Mail inbox.
- Google Translate: This extension translates entire webpages into a language of your choice with one click.
- RSS Subscription: Adds one-click subscription to your toolbar
- Google Wave Notifier: Displays number of unread Waves
- Chromed Bird: Chromed Bird is a Twitter extension that allows you to follow your timelines and interact with your Twitter account.
- IE Tab: Display web pages using IE in a tab
- Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer: Automatically previews pdfs, powerpoint presentations, and other documents in Google Docs Viewer.
- Tab Menu: Select, close, rearrange, and find your tabs in a vertical, readable menu!
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