How to Check Website in Multiple IE(Internet Explorer) on Same PC

How to Check Website in Multiple IE(Internet Explorer) on Same PC

If you are developer like me many times we need to check website in different browser. As for as other browser concern, they update automatically when new version released. but this is not case with Internet Explorer. IE don't show any upgrade notice to users so lot of non tech…continue reading →

Recover permanently deleted files in Ubuntu with Foremost

Foremost is well known application used in Linux to recover permanently deleted files. It can recover deleted files from number of files systems using data carving recover method. It support following file systems: FAT, ext3/4 and NTFS. Foremost is basically command line tools also available in Ubuntu live cd so…continue reading →
Speed Up Websites With Google Apache PageSpeed Module

Speed Up Websites With Google Apache PageSpeed Module

Google has developed a new apache web server module called "mod_pagespeed" that enable apache web server to load website speedily. Apache mod_pagespeed automatically optimize web pages without rewriting web resources using filters. This module includes many filters to optimize JavaScript, HTML, CSS and JPEG/PNG images. mod_pagespeed available for RPM based and Debain based…continue reading →
How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

Word Press have missed schedule issue from 2.7 version onwards. Word Press post scheduling was working fine upto   2.6.5 version as many of users reported on web.  You can schedule wordpress post to publish on a specified time. but when time comes post can not publish and shows missed…continue reading →
How to Fix Missing a temporary folder error in WordPress

How to Fix Missing a temporary folder error in WordPress

This error comes when you try to upload media file such as image, video by Wordpress browser uploader or flash uploader. Wordpress shows this error when temporary upload folder not configured in php.ini file. It is possible upload temp folder is configured but path entered does not exist in the…continue reading →

Install Rar/UnRar Support & Open Rar Archives In Ubuntu

Ubuntu Archive Manager can not open rar file by default in your Ubuntu. Because of the proprietary issue rar support package not included in Ubuntu distribution. However rar support installtion in very easy with apt-get package mamager. Follow these steps to install Rar Support in your Ubuntu Linux Distribution. Open…continue reading →