Truncate text to specified character limit without cutting word

Self explanatory function to get limited text from long paragraph. function limit_text($mystring, $no_of_chars, $append_text) { //Varaible definition //$mystring -> Text string that need to be process //$no_of_chars -> Number of character to be display //$append_text -> Append text at the end of truncated text to show more to read. //like…continue reading →

Killing application process in linux

As a Linux user, sometimes you need to terminate some application or process. There are many reason to kill application: 1) To quickly reclaim memory. 2) To kill suspicious process that may harm your system. 3) or to simply get rid of hanged program that out of your control. To…continue reading →
Internet Explorer IE for Linux

Internet Explorer IE for Linux

So long time has gone.. I was desperately looking for the solution to use internet explorer under Linux. I had tested solutions using wine but nothing is perfect to suit my need. Finally, i found IEs4Linus package to use IE5,IE5.5 and IE6 in various distribution of Linux including Fedora, Ubuntu,…continue reading →
How to use GRUB in WINDOWS environment

How to use GRUB in WINDOWS environment

There is a project in called WINGRUB/GRUB4DOS. It is an extension of GRUB in DOS environment enables dos users to run configuration console in real mode. The project also has a utility called WINGRUB to help configuring and installing GRUB in the WINDOWS environment. Download location: How to…continue reading →