How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

Word Press have missed schedule issue from 2.7 version onwards. Word Press post scheduling was working fine upto   2.6.5 version as many of users reported on web.  You can schedule wordpress post to publish on a specified time. but when time comes post can not publish and shows missed…continue reading →

How to Fix WordPress MU Redirect Loop Installation Error

I recently encounter this issue on my client wordpress mu blog.  When i open main blog page after installation an infinite loop occur and stop at dead end in Firefox. I searched a lot about this on wordpress forum. Surprising, issue is stated everywhere in the forums and blog but no solution…continue reading →
Fix WordPress RSS Feed XML Parsing Errors – XML or text declaration not at start of entity

Fix WordPress RSS Feed XML Parsing Errors – XML or text declaration not at start of entity

Today, i  discovered that my blog feed was showing error in Firefox and other browsers.  This error comes if white space of empty line at the start of xml feed content. Your xml feed content should start with xml declaration without white space or empty line. Blank lines or white…continue reading →

CakePHP Call to undefined function vendor() Error

Vendor() function basically used to load third party library in CakePHP. This function have been deprecated in the recent CakePHP releases.  The vendor function in earlier CakePHP releases has been replace with new App::import method that is more user friendly and allow you to include third party library in several ways.…continue reading →

Create JavaScript Confirm Box for Record Deletion

Confirmation before deletion of record is very useful to preserve data from accidental record deletion. With confirmation process will be in two steps. Here is the javascript way to ask user whether they want to delete record or not. <a onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')" href="">Delete</a> You…continue reading →

Secure PHP Application with Suhosin Hardened-PHP

Suhosin is a security product released by Hardened-PHP to secure your PHP application. Hardened-PHP is founded by Stefan Esser, Christopher Kunz and Peter Prochaska from Germany with the primary goal to help php web developers, development organization to secure PHP web application. They also provide searvice to find out security…continue reading →

How to Highlight PHP Source Code in WordPress Post

PHP Source Code Highlighter (syntaxhighlighter) Wordpress plugin allow you to post php code inside your wordpress post with syntax highlight and line number. The plugin preserve code formatting and do not encode character until you do manually. Supports the following languages: * C++ -- `cpp`, `c`, `c++` * C# --…continue reading →