jQuery For Mobile Devices

jQuery For Mobile Devices

This is exciting news for mobile device developers. jQuery Mobile 1.0 Alpha framework has been released for Smartphones & Tablets.  JQuery Mobile framework is highly cross-platform & cross-device. The final 1.0 version is scheduled to arrive in January. As JQuery Mobile framework is cross-platform so the developed application will work…continue reading →

WordPress.TV – New Addition to WordPress Family

Wordpress announced new Wordpress.TV where you can find all wordpress resources in audio visual form. You can find all WordCamp video, slideshows of presentation created by wordpress team and other wordpress experts, and interviews with media and fellow bloggers. Wordpress.TV included several handy how-to tutorial video and more be in…continue reading →

PNG Files Transparency Problem(Grey Color) in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer below 7.0 does not support 24-bit alpha channel transparent PNG images. PNG image background turn into gray color rather then transparent. IE version 7 and above completely solved this issue and fully support PNG images.? Other modern browser such as Firefox, Opera, Flock support png images from start.…continue reading →

Create JavaScript Confirm Box for Record Deletion

Confirmation before deletion of record is very useful to preserve data from accidental record deletion. With confirmation process will be in two steps. Here is the javascript way to ask user whether they want to delete record or not. <a onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')" href="page.page?act=delete&id=1">Delete</a> You…continue reading →
Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Instantly Clear Google Search Box History

Google Search Box History is a good tool for web surfer who want to track of their search history. It is very useful sometime when we forget what we have browsed. But at the same time it curious for the people who love their privacy. Because it make available to…continue reading →
WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

I just received "Not Acceptable Error while i tried to edit post in Word Press 2.5. Earlier, It was working fine but in the previous post i get annoying error when i tried to save and continue my article. But soon i realize cause of the error. Again, the error…continue reading →

No Banner, No Ads, Free CPanel Web Hosting

If you are looking for free cpanel php/mysql hosting then 000WebHost.com is ideal choice for you. 000WebHost offering features that no other web host offering in the free web hosting industry. 000WebHost providing most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising and fast website loading speed. They claim they…continue reading →