How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

How to Fix WordPress Posts Missed Schedule Issue

Word Press have missed schedule issue from 2.7 version onwards. Word Press post scheduling was working fine upto   2.6.5 version as many of users reported on web.  You can schedule wordpress post to publish on a specified time. but when time comes post can not publish and shows missed…continue reading →

How to Fix WordPress MU Redirect Loop Installation Error

I recently encounter this issue on my client wordpress mu blog.  When i open main blog page after installation an infinite loop occur and stop at dead end in Firefox. I searched a lot about this on wordpress forum. Surprising, issue is stated everywhere in the forums and blog but no solution…continue reading →

How to Highlight PHP Source Code in WordPress Post

PHP Source Code Highlighter (syntaxhighlighter) Wordpress plugin allow you to post php code inside your wordpress post with syntax highlight and line number. The plugin preserve code formatting and do not encode character until you do manually. Supports the following languages: * C++ -- `cpp`, `c`, `c++` * C# --…continue reading →
WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

WordPress 406 Not Acceptable Error Fix

I just received "Not Acceptable Error while i tried to edit post in Word Press 2.5. Earlier, It was working fine but in the previous post i get annoying error when i tried to save and continue my article. But soon i realize cause of the error. Again, the error…continue reading →

WordPress 2.5 Release Candidate Available – What’s New

WordPress 2.5 RC1 available now for testing with a completely new flavor of blogging. This Release candidate will be available publicly after few days of user feedback. New features at glance: Fully customizable dashboard organized in a way to provide user fresh information about the blog stats, latest post and…continue reading →
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