If you are looking for free cpanel php/mysql hosting then 000WebHost.com is ideal choice for you. 000WebHost offering features that no other web host offering in the free web hosting industry. 000WebHost providing most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising and fast website loading speed. They claim they are in the free web hosting industry from one

Main Features:

  • 250 MB Disk Space & 100 GB Data Transfer
  • Support Latest PHP version with MySQL Database
  • PHP mail() function and Sendmail Support
  • Emails Support
  • Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
  • fopen() and PHP sockets
  • safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON
  • Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader
  • Website Builder Software
  • Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
  • All common cpanel features supported


  • Providing huge space and bandwidth at absolutely no cost. The amount of space and bandwidth they are offering even not proivded by paid we host.
  • Advance cpanel hosting with all function requiredto host a website.
  • Latest PHP version 2.5 support even not support by many paid web host.
  • Ability to use php mail function that is not offer by most free web host company.
  • Image library support.
  • Zend and IonCube loaded support that enable you to run encryped script.
  • Safe Mode Off and you are open to use all php function without restriction.


  • They claim instant activation but i have waited for 3 days to activate my website.
  • Like other free web host, they have ftp connection limit. There server support 500 simultaneous ftp user connection. if 500 users already logged in you can not login until some other user disconnected. This is negligible if we see other feature they are providing..

This is all i have evalute this web host service.. Please feel free to share your ideas/views/experiance with 000webhost.


I would like to comment about their affliated program here. I had joined their affliated program in May at the time when i wrote this post. but after five month i have only five ready to pay signup. sometime it was around 15 signups and i am not sure how many times i reached to this extent. They have min $100 payout that never complete. I feel that they have setup a system that automatically decrease ready to pay signups or declare some registration false when you reach near to 20 signups (eq: $100). I had contacted their support but i did not received any reply. I suggest you all to use only industry leading affiliated program like commission junction if you really want transparency in the payout.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.

This article has 3 comments

  1. ArticleLists

    any way of resending the confirmation mail for 000webhost? after registration, got directed to 0fees.net. i presume 000webhost is mainly for US residents.

  2. Bala Krishna

    Any country user can use their service for free.. Please contact them for confirmation mail..
