What is Difference Between DNS CNAME & A Record

CNAME stands for Canonical Name for a domain. CNAME is an alias records that create association between a sub-domain and antother domain or subdomain. And, A Record simply creates an association between a domain/sub-domain name and an IP Address. Example CNAME gallery.bala-krishna.com -> gallery.another-domain.com -> you can see above…continue reading →

PHP Fatal Error Fix: Can’t use method return value in write context

PHP compiler generate fatal error if you use function return value in read/write context. Although this is not applicable for all PHP supported function but PHP function like empty does not support use of the function in this way. In other words, php empty function cannot check the return value…continue reading →

WordPress 2.5 Popularity Contest Plugin Fatal Error Fix

If you are using Alex popularity plug-in then you might face this error while upgrading plug-in automatically in WP 2.5. This error generate due to invalid wp-header file path in plug-in file. Unfortunately, Alex not released new fixed version of the this popular plug-in. However, fix is really very simple…continue reading →
Gallary2 Platform Failure Error Fix

Gallary2 Platform Failure Error Fix

This is common error occur due to wrong permission setting in Gallery2 data directory.? During module uninstall, gallery2 restore directory permission and other changes as it was before the module installation. This feature sometime break gallery directory permission and directory does not work.? See Image bellow for exact error description.…continue reading →

Uber Uploader ClipShare Rayzz Ostube Failed to Find File Length Error

You may receive "Failed To Find Flength File" error during file upload using uber uploader. The main cause of this problem is due to apache mod_security enabled on your host. Apache mod_security may prevent writing flength file duing file upload. This will cause uploder to determine file length for percentage…continue reading →
Memory Management with Fixed Partitions (MFT)

Memory Management with Fixed Partitions (MFT)

The basic memory management approach is to divide memory into several fixed size of partitions where each partition accommodate only one program for execution. The program residing in memory will be bound by the number of partitions. When a program terminates that partitions is free for another program waiting in…continue reading →