Create .htaccess file or use existing .htaccess file in your hosting site. Add below line at the top of file content.
[sourcecode language=’php’] # to stop php startup errors
php_flag display_startup_errors off
# to stop all php errors and warning
php_flag display_errors off
[/sourcecode] You can also control level of error reporting. Here is the .htaccess syntax:
[sourcecode language=’php’] # php directive for setting error level
php_value error_reporting integer
[/sourcecode] Example:
[sourcecode language=’php’] # report everything except run-time notices.
php_value error_reporting 8191
# report both fatal and non-fatal compile-time warnings by the Zend Engine
php_value error_reporting 128
# report run-time notices, compile-time parse errors, run-time errors and warnings
php_value error_reporting 8
# report fatal run-time errors and unrecoverable errors
php_value error_reporting 1

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.

This article has 3 comments

  1. Ed Braim

    I am not new to blogging and truly value your site. There is much innovative subject that peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your web site and keep checking you out.

  2. Martyn

    How not to display any notices and display the rest?

    php_value error_reporting 8191 does show notices.

  3. Anirudh

    I’m with Martyn, how do you do: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ???