How to Check Website in Multiple IE(Internet Explorer) on Same PC

How to Check Website in Multiple IE(Internet Explorer) on Same PC

If you are developer like me many times we need to check website in different browser. As for as other browser concern, they update automatically when new version released. but this is not case with Internet Explorer. IE don't show any upgrade notice to users so lot of non tech…continue reading →
How to Stop Windows Live Messenger From Startup

How to Stop Windows Live Messenger From Startup

I hope everybody is annoyed with auto startup function of Windows Live Messenger/Windows Messenger in during your usage. So here is the instruction on how to disable windows live messenger from startup on Windows 7. Sign in to Windows Live Messenger using your login/password. Click on status bar down arrow…continue reading →
Digsby New Real Social Messenger

Digsby New Real Social Messenger

Digsby is brand new Instant Messenger client that allow you to connect with most popular chat client like AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber. It allow you to manage your all friends list at one single place with single login plus several new cool features. Let take a…continue reading →