Fix: Windows drives does not open by double click
This common problem happened in windows XP (as for as i experienced, may be found in other windows OS). When you click on any of your system drive you get open with dialog window instead of content of drive. I was living with this issue from long time but could not even think to solve this issue because i was extremly busy and i was able to open drive with single right click explore function. This issue caused by some of the virus programs. The virus program change or create new registry value to block or restrict user access to computer drives.
There are several option available to fix this issue. You can use one of them that works for you.
1) Delete autorun.inf
This file created by virus in the root of each drive. This file initiate operation or any illigal activity when you try to open any of the drive. Virus make this file by default hidden so that you can see file without spy glasses. To get rid of the issue you just need to delete this file from each drive. Follow each steps below to correct issue. Make sure to restart system to change take effect.
- Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open command prompt window.
- Type cd\ and hit enter to move on root of drive.
- Type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf to remove hidden, system and read-only attribute of file.
- Type del autorun.inf to delete file from drive.
- Repeat above steps for all drives. To move on another drive simply type drive letter(eg- d:) and hit enter.
2) Run FixDrive Utility
If you are unable to follow and apply above step then simply download utility provided by winhelponline.
- Click on the to download file on your PC
- Extract content of file in a folder
- Run FixDrive.exe
- Select the drive-letter from the list
- Click Fix to resolve issue
- Application notify you if problem present with drive
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