HotShots from Snap Shots
HotShots is compiled page on snapshots where you can find the most popular weekly top Shots from each snapshot category. Currently, snapshots delivering following type of snap: VideoShots, MapShots, MovieShots, PhotoShots, PreviewShots, ProductShots, ProfileShots, RSS Shots, StockShots, AudioShots, WikiShots, WowShots. Each of the following shot show 9 shots broken into three groups that is highlight from different color icon for easy identification.
You can see all three group in above one of the snap shot image from top to bottom.
- Title with Yellowish Up Arrow shows three HOTTEST shots that are new to the list of Top 50 shots THIS week.
- Title with Grey Shaded Up Left-Right arrow shows three NEUTRAL shots that are were at the top of Top 50 shots last week AND this week.
- Title with Blue Shaded Down arrow shows three COLDEST shots that were on the list of Top 50 shots LAST week.
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