SES China – Date: May 25–26, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. Who are the major search engines beyond Baidu, Google & Yahoo?
  2. How to market and optimize with character-based content?
  3. How to understand the Chinese internet users’ behavior?
  4. How to find and work with local partners?
  5. How to monetize on the massive grass-root web sources?
  6. What are Chinese advertisers looking for in their global marketing?

SES Milan – Date: May 29–30, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

SES Toronto – Date: June 12–13, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy? and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t;
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from those changes.

SES Latino Search – Date: June 18–19, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to manage language issues you may encounter with Spanish content;
  5. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy – and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  6. How to build links in Latin America that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  7. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search and how you can profit from the latest trends.
  8. What have I been missing out on in the U.S. Hispanics and Latin America markets?
  9. How global search engines participate in Latin America;
  10. How users’ search behavior differs in Latin America from the rest of the world;
  11. What structural and cultural barriers to entry the global search engines (such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN) might encounter as they expand into local Latin American markets;
  12. Why Latino users in some markets prefer to use local/regional search engines and directories rather than global search engines, and how partnerships may be the best way to evolve;
  13. How global search engines treat Hispanic content and websites located in Latin America differently than those located in the U.S.;
  14. What global search engines may do to gain market share and search volume in Latin America;
  15. What global search engines must do to increase relevancy and monetization of Hispanic and Latin American content;
  16. What businesses from Latin America need to do to benefit from the search industry by participating on the Internet;
  17. What the current trends in Search are and how will they adapt to the Hispanic/Latin American markets.

SES San Jose – Date: Aug. 20–23, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

SES Local Search – Date: Sept. 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

SES Paris – Date: Nov. 27–28, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

SES Chicago – Date: Dec. 3–6, 2007

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

SES London – Date: Feb. 19–21, 2008

Discussion Point

  1. How search engines list Web sites for free and through paid placements;
  2. How to get free “organic” traffic by building a site that pleases search engines and your visitors;
  3. How to efficiently purchase listings guaranteed to rank your company at the top of search engine results;
  4. How to calculate the ROI of your search marketing efforts by tracking your visitors from the time they hit your site until they buy—and get tips on improving conversion if they don’t!
  5. How to build links that generate traffic to your Web site, and how to avoid the penalties of “spamming” the search engines;
  6. What’s coming next in the constantly evolving world of Web search, and how you can profit from it.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.