WordPress 2.7 released after major release candidate. This version comes with new admin interface and several functionality upgrades.

What’s New

  • Mass Editing Ability:
    Mass editing ability for the post, tags, category and other parameter in the new version is easier then ever. WordPress fans were awaiting this feature from long time.? It will save loFt of time of the WordPress bloggers.
  • Quick Post:
    Introduces ability to post quickly from dashboard.
  • Sticky Posts Feature:
    Introduced sticky post feature to keep your favorite post on top of other post. In the earier version you have to code this yourself.
  • Comments Paging:
    Comment posting and editing now easier then ever. Comments on post/page pages automatically with numbered navigation save page load time. You can also stop comment spamming by mass stop comment on older post.
  • Automatic Theme Upgrade:
    Automatic theme upgrade feature introduces just like plug-in upgrade feature.
  • Plugin Installation Within Blog Admin:
    Wordpress 2.6 only support direct plug-in upgrade feature from WordPress website. WordPress 2.7 enhance this functionality and added ability to browse and install plugin from wordpress site from admin area. You no longer need to download and upload plugin files.
  • New Classic Admin Interface:
    After several feeback entire admin interface changed in this release. Navigaton bar have been moved to left side bar.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.