get fedora 8 download

Fedora 8 has now released on November 8, 2007 with plenty of new features. See complete list of new features added.

  1. Added enhanced GNOME 2.20 with improved file management system, enhanced control panel applet, new revised help system, evince document viewer and mail notifcation in Evolution mail client.
  2. Online Desktop with GNOME sidbar useful to access online web services.
  3. KDE 3.5.8 is available in the KDE Live image as well as the regular DVD.
  4. Added NetworkManager 0.7 provides improved wireless network management support. It includes support for multiple devices and provides the capability of system-wide configuration.
  5. Added new PulseAudio that is install and active by default. PulseAudio is an advanced sound server compatible with nearly all existing Linux sound systems. PulseAudio allows for hot-switching audio outputs, individual volume controls for each audio stream.
  6. Icluded CodecBuddy to promotes free, superior quality, open formats to end users trying to play multimedia content under patent encumbered or proprietary formats.
  7. The completely free and open source Java environment called IcedTea is installed by default. IcedTea is derived from OpenJDK, includes a browser plugin based on GCJ, and is available for both x86 and x86_64 architectures.
  8. New 2.3 with several cool new features.
  9. Better Bluetooth devices and system tools integration.
  10. Included better suspend/resume and multimedia keyboard support using “quirks” for laptop users.
  11. There is now improved power management thanks to both a tickless kernel in x86 and x86_64 architectures, and a reduction in unnecessary processor wakeups via powertop.
  12. New excellent Infinity look and feel from the Fedora Art team with new fresh NADOKA gnome theme.
  13. Enhanced proactive security features which prevents from many security exploits.
  14. New improved graphical firewall configuration tool can be accessed from command-line by command “system-config-firewall”, replaced old “system-config-securitylevel” command.
  15. Offers Kiosk functionality via SELinux with new enhancements and major security policy changes.
  16. Support for passwords using SHA256 and SHA512 hashing. Before only DES and MD5 algorithm were available.
  17. Secure remote management capability is now provided for Xen, KVM, and QEMU in Fedora 8 virtualization.
  18. Added Eclipse 3.3 (Europa), a new release of the acclaimed development platform.
  19. Improved performance of yum, Pirut, and Pup significantly.
  20. Introdced new pirut graphical interface for managing software repositories. Use Edit Repositories to enable/disable any of the installed software repositories.
  21. Integration of unique build IDs into Fedora’s software building infrastructure now provides enhanced debugging capabilities and core dumps.
  22. Fedora now offers easier rebranding of Fedora derivatives via a generic-logos software package. Changes in Fedora’s mirror structure also make creation of derivatives easier.
  23. The pam_console module usage has been removed in favor of access control via HAL, which modernizes the desktop.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.