GoDaddy windows server by default show generic 500 Internal Server Error page instead of showing actual detailed error message. The default page prevent application developers from debugging web application because actual error message not visible. The detailed error message give detailed error description along with line number so developer can see nature of error and apply possible fix.

Well, You can easily disable generic error page and enable detailed error using web.config file. Web.config is XML file contain settings and configuration data for your asp or ASP.Net web application. This file used globally so you can use it for setting up global variables like database connection string.

Configuration is little bit different for IIS6 and IIS7. Here is settings for both III6 and IIS7.

IIS6 Web.Config Setting

If you have web.config file already in root folder simply open it in text editor and add below two lines inside tag. If not present then wrap below two line within opening and closing section. Complete file should be look like below. If web.config file not present then simply copy below text in a text file. Rename it as web.config file and upload file on web server root folder.


IIS7 Web.Config Setting

Look at below text it has one additional section . Create a web.config file with below content and upload it on root folder as above. If web.config already exist adjust content accordingly.


All done.

Written by Bala Krishna

Bala Krishna is web developer and occasional blogger from Bhopal, MP, India. He like to share idea, issue he face while working with the code.

This article has 1 comments

  1. anonymous

    Dai Dubukku bala,

    test the code before posting. the code provided for iis 7 is wrong. copy the code correctly else keep quiet. idiot