ClipShare 2.6 uprofile.php SQL Injection Vulnerability

This is the security issue primarily reported by Krit. and Pr0metheuS. ClipShare leading PHP video sharing script has an SQL injection exploit in user profile page(uprofile.php). ClipShare application does not properly sanitize user supplied UID data before using in an SQL query. Hackers can use this exploit to access or…continue reading →
Submit your website to our directory free

Submit your website to our directory free

Thanks for the Juan to inform me of Captcha submission error in web directory module. Due to the error people was not able to submit website to our directory. You are all welcome to submit your website to our web directory absolutely free. No reciprocal required. Website will be reviewed…continue reading →
Schedule Tasks in Windows XP

Schedule Tasks in Windows XP

Schedule Tasks is a utility in window like Cron Job in Linux to run any script, program at specified time. Scheduled Tasks starts every time you start Windows Operating system and runs silently in the background, and it starts each task that you schedule at the time that you specify…continue reading →
AIM chat now with GMail

AIM chat now with GMail

Google just launched AIM chat with Gmail and several? new features incorporated. Now you can talk to your AIM friends using an integrated chat inside Gmail. Your AIM contact list will be automatically populated in Gmail user contact list. You need to have AIM account to sign in using Gmail.…continue reading →

Google Page Rank (PR) update

Hi Folks, Google has started page rank update. However it is still fluctuating not stable but you will get idea what the rank you are getting when PR will be stable. If you are not concerned with Google PR. Check here about it and learn how it can influence you…continue reading →