Google Custom Search Engine Plugin for WordPress

Google Custom Search Engine Plugin for WordPress

Google CSE is very nice plug-in to create Google custom search engine from your wordpress blog roll. This plug-in uses xml file for configuration. With this plug-in visitors will be able to search your blog roll and your blog instead of searching entire world wide web. The 2.0 version is…continue reading →

WordPress 2.3.3 released

Wordpress 2.3.3 version has been released today to fix security issues in XML-RPC implementation as well as vulnerability in the WP-Forum plugin. According to WP post, an special xml-rpc request can be made that allow one user to update post of another user. Here is full list of fixes in…continue reading →
Add voice to your post and website with vozMe

Add voice to your post and website with vozMe

vozMe introduced new cool text to voice service. This service available in English,Español, and Italiano language. vozMe service also availble as Google Gadget and Wordpress plugin. You can add voice on your website page and blog post. A working version can be find at last of this blog post. Simply…continue reading →
How to add php code to word press blog widget

How to add php code to word press blog widget

Word Press default widget does not allow you to use php code. You can do this by simply editing template files but this is not overall solution. By doing this you are loosing beauty of widget drag and drop functionality. The Samsarin PHP Widget available as plug-in that allow user…continue reading →