Multiple Blog Posting With WBlogger Offline Mass Blogging Tool

I was wondering if i could have a tool that can write post to my blogs offline as well as post to multiple blog. A little effort landed me on w.blogger page. W.Blogger is ultimate tool for blog publising from destop. If you have a long list of your blogs…continue reading →

No Banner, No Ads, Free CPanel Web Hosting

If you are looking for free cpanel php/mysql hosting then is ideal choice for you. 000WebHost offering features that no other web host offering in the free web hosting industry. 000WebHost providing most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising and fast website loading speed. They claim they…continue reading →

PHP Fatal Error Fix: Can’t use method return value in write context

PHP compiler generate fatal error if you use function return value in read/write context. Although this is not applicable for all PHP supported function but PHP function like empty does not support use of the function in this way. In other words, php empty function cannot check the return value…continue reading →
HotShots from Snap Shots

HotShots from Snap Shots

HotShots is compiled page on snapshots where you can find the most popular weekly top Shots from each snapshot category. Currently, snapshots delivering following type of snap: VideoShots, MapShots, MovieShots, PhotoShots, PreviewShots, ProductShots, ProfileShots, RSS Shots, StockShots, AudioShots, WikiShots, WowShots. Each of the following shot show 9 shots broken into…continue reading →