Submit your website to our directory free

Submit your website to our directory free

Thanks for the Juan to inform me of Captcha submission error in web directory module. Due to the error people was not able to submit website to our directory. You are all welcome to submit your website to our web directory absolutely free. No reciprocal required. Website will be reviewed…continue reading →

The First Poem Written for Computers

<>!*''# ^"`$$- !*=@$_ %*<>~4 &[]../ |{,,SYSTEM HALTED If we use the proper cyber names then it will be translated like this Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash, Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash, Bang splat equal at dollar under-score, Percent splat waka waka tilde number four, Ampersand bracket bracket…continue reading →

How to run FFMPEG command in Asp.Net

To run ffmpeg commands in you need to use Media Handler class. Here is an example how to use media handler class to run ffmpeg commands. //Create media handler object of Media_handler class Media_handler mymediahandler=new Media_handler(); // Get web site application path string webapppath =Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath); //Get ffmpeg.exe full path…continue reading →
Clip-Share Upload Video Internal Server Error

Clip-Share Upload Video Internal Server Error

Clip-Share is mature script to run your own video sharing website like YouTube. This script is available variety of features and options at low cost. Unfortunately, they don't have good knowledge base to short out technical problems related to script installation. The common problem with Clipshare and other video sharing…continue reading →

Setting up website in WHM server

WHM? is a Web Host Manager tool that allows server administrators to quickly and easily add new web hosting accounts on a WHM enabled Web server.? Here is steps to create new hosting account without hassle. Log into WHM account with your username and password. Click the Create a New…continue reading →